I was watching a talk given by Angelina Fabbro on YouTube named "JavaScript masterclass". Its all about trying to become an expert in a particular field. It's a great talk and I suggest you give it a watch.
In that talk, she mentions a book, "Secrets of a JavaScript Ninja" and being what I'd consider as an intermediate JavaScript developer myself, I thought it deserved a look.
Just to give you an idea of the level of my JavaScript expertise, I've never been "taught" JavaScript, I've never attended any courses, I didn't cover it at University. My general method has been to look up pieces of code online as and when I've needed it. After doing this for a while you get a general feel of the language and after 10 odd years (on and off), I feel that I'm pretty knowledgeable in the area however, due to this learning methodology, undoubtedly there's going to be gaps in my knowledge and so I bought this book in hope to fill those gaps.
I'm very happy to report that it does fill in those gaps and more! It does so in a clear and concise way. Any new concept is backed up with code that's been written in such a way that its easy to follow and if there is a difficult concept, virtually all of the code has been broken down into small snippets so you can quickly stick it into JSFiddle and have a play around.
The book covers the core JavaScript language from topics ranging from the importance of functions (and they're far more powerful than I ever imagined) to regular expressions, runtime code evaluation and with statements. These are all areas that you can get by with not knowing in detail but when you do, you'll realize there are far simpler ways of doing the things you've been doing for the past 10 years. As frustrating that is, it is enlightening.
It also covers some of the problematic areas of programming in the browser and the cross browser problems that come hand in hand with this. From event handling, manipulating the DOM and CSS selectors, it covers them all and offers some inventive solutions to problems that you've probably come across yourself.
The really good thing about the book is that throughout it introduces you to patterns of programming JavaScript that you probably don't already use and really wish you did. If you're anything like me you'll find yourself thinking "I wish I had programmed x like this" or "I wish I knew about this feature before I programmed x, y, z".
The book is co-authored by John Resig, the creator of the most popular JavaScript library, jQuery and the book often uses methodologies and solutions that are used within that library. That to me, really gives this book substance, you're learning methods that are out there in the real world and that work so well that it's led to the immense popularity of jQuery.
If you're an intermediate JavaScript developer like me then this book is a must. Some of it you'll already know but some of it you won't and having that extra knowledge at your disposal will give you the tools to write far more elegant code.
If you're new to JavaScript development then I'd suggest holding off on this book for now. The book assumes a certain amount of knowledge regarding the language. You probably could work your way through the book and pick it up as you go along but it will take you a significant amount of time (ok, you'll be learning a good portion of a language so that's to be expected) but I think that process would take away something from the book so if you are in this category, I'd suggest going away, learning the basics and then picking this book up in a month or two's time.